Use "self-sufficiency|self sufficiency" in a sentence

1. Autarky definition is - self-sufficiency, independence; specifically : national economic self-sufficiency and independence.

2. Autarky is economic self-sufficiency

3. (Autarkies) National economic self-sufficiency

4. Learning the Secret of Self-Sufficiency

5. What was the secret of Paul’s self-sufficiency?

6. The emphasis is on godly devotion, not self-sufficiency.

7. Less police, more self sufficiency is bad for elites (

8. Autarky ( countable and uncountable, plural Autarkies ) National economic self-sufficiency

9. Autarky, an economic system of self-sufficiency and limited trade

10. 9 Mourning shatters the illusions of self-sufficiency and breaks through the blindness of self-containment.

11. 3 The only hope was to move to energy self-sufficiency.

12. 1 Local self-sufficiency is further hindered by widespread environmental damage.

13. 2 It always seems presumptuous to encroach on that self-sufficiency.

14. In two fields - telecommunications and media - self-sufficiency and protectionism predominate.

15. 12 They preach the gospel of self-sufficiency, railing against government handouts.

16. 6 In two fields - telecommunications and media - self-sufficiency and protectionism predominate.

17. But throughout the colonies, people relied primarily on small farms and self - sufficiency .

18. 10 Self-sufficiency, payment in kind and living-in service were all shrinking.

19. Almost any exhibition of complete self - sufficiency draws a stunned tribute from me.

20. Once settled, pioneer self-sufficiency led to the accumulation homemade furnishings, equipment or vehicles.

21. However, as a result of economic self-sufficiency, Albania had a minimal foreign debt.

22. This is the best example which illustrates modernity and self-sufficiency of modern poetry.

23. These positive feelings will have a salutary effect on their growth toward self-sufficiency.

24. Lingbao is primarily a gold smelter with an estimated self - sufficiency ratio of 21 %.

25. What is the meaning of “self-sufficiency” as used at 1 Timothy 6:6-8?

26. Self-sufficiency simply means the desire and ability of an adult to earn a living.

27. The Simple Politics guide to Agrarianism - the pro countryside, pro self-sufficiency, pro-farming ideology.

28. As the Bible says: ‘Godly devotion along with self-sufficiency is great gain.’ —1 Tim.

29. 29 The task for parents is to nurture their children toward this academic self-sufficiency.

30. 21 These positive feelings will have a salutary effect on their growth toward self-sufficiency.

31. The night bivouac is mandatory; self-sufficiency starts, for all runners, after the evening meal.

32. Such farsighted policy shifts will improve India's self - sufficiency in the shortest possible time frame.

33. A major factor that contributed to Paul’s happiness and satisfaction was his sense of self-sufficiency.

34. The geisha system was founded, actually, to promote the independence and economic self-sufficiency of women.

35. 11 He sneers at the arguments against it: self-sufficiency and the tired old cultural card.

36. The frontiersman's self-sufficiency and stoicism in the face of pain belong now in some wax museum of lost American self-images.

37. On the other hand, “godly devotion along with self-sufficiency” is a means of great gain.

38. 23 It remains difficult, however, to measure this level of self-sufficiency on purely archaeological grounds.

39. Along with self-sufficiency, this is a means of great gain. —1 Timothy 6:6-8.

40. The desire for self-sufficiency and material security has remained a key arbiter of foreign relations.

41. Recall that Paul said “godly devotion along with self-sufficiency” is “a means of great gain.”

42. Self-sufficiency is anathema to capitalism and, despite the already mentioned exhortations, is not what is required.

43. 17 Transport to the town was difficult and made for self-sufficiency and reliance on village resources.

44. 16 The prime purpose might be to make money or to achieve a measure of self-sufficiency.

45. I saw a lot of people in Gestalt as trying to be or believing in self - sufficiency.

46. 8 The desire for self-sufficiency and material security has remained a key arbiter of foreign relations.

47. Central points of reference are the allotment garden, the vegetable culture and, accordingly, the self-sufficiency economy.

48. “It is a means of great gain,” wrote the apostle Paul, “this godly devotion along with self-sufficiency.

49. The apostle Paul wrote: “It is a means of great gain, this godly devotion along with self-sufficiency. . . .

50. Autarky is economic independence or self sufficiency, and should not be confused with autarchy, a separate political concept

51. 13 Self-sufficiency is anathema to capitalism and, despite the already mentioned exhortations, is not what is required.

52. About Access Welcome to Florida Department of Children and Families Automated Community Connection to Economic Self Sufficiency (Access)

53. The church planter must break the mould of self-sufficiency and dare to rely on his or her team.

54. Paul wrote: “To be sure, it is a means of great gain, this godly devotion along with self-sufficiency. . . .

55. 19 From the 1830s there was, for instance, a stream of handbooks on how to achieve male self-sufficiency.

56. 30 Its doctrine was self-sufficiency and the Fabian socialism that Nehru's generation imbibed during the struggle against colonialism.

57. 20 They use solar collectors and windmills for energy supply and each region aims at self-sufficiency in proteins.

58. Cat® generator sets run a Cogeneration plant powering a large research university and providing self-sufficiency with backup power

59. A flat which had seemed to offer stimulus, satisfaction, retreat and self-sufficiency dwindled overnight into just somewhere to live.

60. 7 Generally speaking, self-sufficiency in scientific and technological expertise is a characteristic of all industrial countries, large and small.

61. 26 Even if these obstacles can be surmounted, they are likely to slow the process of achieving food self-sufficiency.

62. 15 The expectation from government industrial ReD is one of reducing dependency on imports without wanting to achieve self-sufficiency.

63. Differences in status and the capacity for economic self-sufficiency — not to mention the capacity for self-regard — compromise the integrity of consent, no matter the culture.

64. Hitler strived to achieve Autarky (self-sufficiency) during his leadership to benefit and prepare Germany for a time of war

65. 30 Britain is presently the world's second largest timber importer with a self-sufficiency in wood of only about 10%.

66. 25 Most of the main development agencies working in the Majority World now have goals to encourage women's self-sufficiency.

67. 17 Britain is presently the world's second largest timber importer with a self-sufficiency in wood of only about 10%.

68. With adequate funding and proper policy the book industry could achieve self sufficiency and satisfy national demand, the report says.

69. 27 What is it that happens in those years before kindergarten that specifically inhibits or promotes growth to self-sufficiency?

70. 4 The church planter must break the mould of self-sufficiency and dare to rely on his or her team.

71. 5 This self-sufficiency in the face of tragedy must have deeply influenced Agnes, who was seven when her father died.

72. 14 A flat which had seemed to offer stimulus, satisfaction, retreat and self-sufficiency dwindled overnight into just somewhere to live.

73. (Proverbs 11:1; Zechariah 7:9, 10; James 5:1-5) The greater gain is “godly devotion along with self-sufficiency.”

74. With these successful measures, the Yugoslav economy achieved relative self-sufficiency and traded extensively with both the West and the East.

75. For the purpose of achieving self-sufficiency in the field, C-DAC was established by the Department of Electronics in 1988.

76. Both sides pledged to explore opportunities for coordination on civilian assistance projects that advance Afghan self-sufficiency and build civilian capacity.

77. A Contrite heart is one in which the natural pride and self-sufficiency have been completely humbled by the consciousness of guilt.

78. A Contrite heart is one in which the natural pride and self-sufficiency have been completely humbled by the consciousness of guilt.

79. Autarkies definition: (esp of a political unit) a system or policy of economic self-sufficiency aimed at Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

80. 22 It also provides some flexibility for smaller countries,[] which had claimed that for them self-sufficiency was not always feasible.